I am inherently confrontational and bad-tempered. But this has since been borne upon me and I have spent most of my adult life being diplomatic and, well, adult. I have had cause to practice this even more since I got married. Not with my husband, (sadly for him - he always hears more truth than he wants to, the poor dear) but with the extended family. Skirting topics is the polite (and accepted) way of dealing with issues. Today for a change, I decided to respond to some festering and unfair complaining with some of my own. While my popularity has nose-dived, it has definitely opened some eyes to a contrary point-of-view, something that the self-absorbed don't usually bargain for.
If you have any grievances, air them. Lest people think you have none.
If you have any grievances, air them. Lest people think you have none.